Health Benefits Of Yogurt

Health Benefits Of Yogurt

benefits of yogurt have been recognized for centuries, and people in the modern age have come to realize that including yogurt in the diet contributes highly to a healthy lifestyle.

Yogurt may have been in existence for nearly 5 millennia and the earliest of these may have originated in the eastern portions of Europe, particularly in Bulgaria. Sometime during the 1st century, the Roman author and naturalist Pliny the Elder had referred to yogurt in his writings by remarking that certain nomadic tribes knew how “to thicken the milk into a substance with an acceptable acidity”. Indeed, several early civilizations have incorporated yogurt into their diet and have produced dishes that are still being enjoyed today.

Yogurt is a type of dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Lactic acid is produced by the fermentation of lactose, and this acts of milk protein. The result of this reaction is the creamy texture of the yogurt and its tangy taste.

Yogurt contains a large amount of active and living cultures and microorganisms. These active live cultures are good bacteria that are vital for the body to function optimally. These good bacteria help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria that bring about bacterial infections, ailments, and diseases.

Yogurt can be used in many ways. It can be used and enjoyed with various toppings such as fruits, berries, granola, nuts, or chocolate cookies. Yogurt can also be substituted for milk in many recipes for foods such as pancakes and waffles.

Yogurt can also be consumed as a beverage. The drink ayran is a yogurt-based drink popular parts of Eastern Europe and Central Asia while lassi is a drink that is widely consumed in parts of India.

The following are the health food nutrients that are abundant in yogurt:

  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • riboflavin
  • vitamin B6
  • vitamin B12
  • vitamin D

The following are the yogurt benefits that may be derived from eating this superfood:

  • Yogurt may help strengthen the immune system.
  • Yogurt may help fight the onset of osteoporosis.
  • Yogurt may help in the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.
  • Yogurt may help facilitate proper digestive function. It may help fight against constipation, lactose intolerance, and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Yogurt may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Yogurt may help fight vaginal infections in women.
  • Yogurt may help in weight loss.

Recommended: 7 Impressive Health Benefits of Yogurt

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